14: When God Speaks Your Name [podcast]
What's in a name?
And what can it do for us to hear God speak our name?
In our experience there might be nothing more powerful actually.
In this conversation Jay and Rich share stories about the bestowing of our true identities through our names.
13: Becoming a King - w/Author Morgan Snyder - 2 of 2 [podcast]
In part 2 of this 2 part conversation Jay Heck and Morgan Snyder, author of the new book “Becoming a King” continue to discuss the brilliant way God shapes a man to become trustworthy with the care of His Kingdom.
The powerful life men want grows as we increasingly risk more on God to come through. That's why the journey to kingship must start by believing God is our loving, deeply devoted Father who can always be trusted to come through, even as the stakes get higher than we can today imagine.
12: Becoming a King - w/Author Morgan Snyder - 1 of 2 [podcast]
Beginning in his early thirties with a personal crisis around the issues of identity and purpose, Morgan has sought and been shaped by the divine wisdom of older men who have helped him piece back together God’s original vision for authentic manhood and the path to obtain it.
Listen in as we discuss what all men want but few can handle: POWER. It's God's desire for man to have power, but for the good of the world that power must be rooted in character, and that character rooted in…you guessed it… being a son. This is part 1 of a 2 part interview.
11: Raised in a Barn - Sonship 101 E4 [podcast]
One of the bits of wisdom from King Solomon comes from the book of Proverbs, chapter 29, where He said “Without a vision the people cast off restraint” If you dig in a little bit deeper into the Hebrew, what it means is “If a man does not receive revelation from God for the direction and purpose of His life, he will most certainly lose His way and die.”
A few years ago I felt lost, and leaning into this Proverb I asked God for a vision to help me and my son on our journey of sonship.
10: Practicing Sonship Stories - Sonship 101 E3 [podcast]
While externally it feels like resources and answers are in short supply, there is a way of living that is ancient, time tested, and utterly dependable to help a man come through any trial. And more than that - it offers the hope of becoming a better, stronger man.
This Way is called Sonship. But this way of living is always under fire. Let’s watch Jesus navigate the 3 temptations every sons will face.
09: Sonship Under Fire - Sonship 101 E2 [podcast]
While externally it feels like resources and answers are in short supply, there is a way of living that is ancient, time tested, and utterly dependable to help a man come through any trial. And more than that - it offers the hope of becoming a better, stronger man.
This Way is called Sonship. But this way of living is always under fire. Let’s watch Jesus navigate the 3 temptations every sons will face.
08: Learn From Me - Sonship 101 E1 [podcast]
Many miss the treasure of the gospel when they believe Jesus invitation was simply to follow Him, live differently and become a Christian. But that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of the offer He laid out. Instead His invitation was to come home with Him and be re-grafted back into the family God made that has been broken apart. Jesus masterfully crafts this invitation to his closest friends in MT 11 by creating a treasure map with hyperlinks to promises of hope made throughout the Old Testament going all the way back to the garden of Eden.
07: COVID-19 and the Karate Kid [Podcast]
What's really going on?" It kinda feels like we're in a movie but which one? Jay and Rich trade thoughts on how the shockwave of COVID-19 could be God's invitation to receive what we need most: initiation.
06: A Son's Response to Pandemic (w/Rich & Robin Pantusa) [Podcast]
While in Colorado Jay sat down face to face with Rich and Robin Pantusa to discuss our culture's knee jerk reaction to COVID-19. But as Jesus alerted us in advance, things are not what they seem.
05: John Eldredge Talks with Jay Heck [Podcast]
Yep! We got to walk a few miles and ask a few questions of world changing son John Eldredge. Come listen as he invites us to take a deeper look at the heart of God for the world He is engaging to save, and how He does it.