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08: Learn From Me - Sonship 101 E1 [podcast]

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The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” Henry David Thoreau

Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden...” -Jesus Christ (Mt 11)

Many miss the treasure of the gospel when they believe Jesus invitation was simply to follow Him, live differently and become a Christian. But that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of the offer He laid out. Instead His invitation was to come home with Him and be re-grafted back into the family God made that has been broken apart. Jesus masterfully crafts this invitation to his closest friends in MT 11 by creating a treasure map with hyperlinks to promises of hope made throughout the Old Testament going all the way back to the garden of Eden.

Original design was for God and his son to walk daily together, fulfill a shared destiny and see Adam gradually initiated to faithfully rule and subdue the earth. But someone made a terrible mistake. Adam went another way and discovered the terrifying desperation every man experiences in separation from God.

I heard John Eldredge once say “There are only 2 types of men of men in the world: Those who rely on God and those who rely on themselves.

Which kind of man will I be?” is the life-or death option every man is forced to make. Without help, the prospect is both terrifying and impossible. That’s why it’s so good to have ears to hear when Jesus offers the solution…

“Learn from me.”

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