Sons, Baptism and Warfare
“Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord: “Israel is My son, My firstborn. So I say to you, let My son go…”‘”
Occasionally I get to baptize men on our adventures and offer them the opportunity to baptize their children into the Kingdom. It is one of my favorite things to be a part of because it carries so much significance.
Most of us are aware that water baptism is a public act symbolizing our participation in the death and resurrection of Christ. (Col 2:12)
Did you also know that in the spiritual realm, baptism is a polemic, an aggressive slap in the face to the powers of darkness, reminding them of God’s unstoppable power to rescue His sons from bondage?
Water baptism points back to us being rescued from our captors through the Red Sea and watching our Father obliterate them as they dare to pursue?
That’s why God has decreed that all His sons and daughters (Jesus included) follow Israel, His firstborn son (Exodus 4:22-23), and pass through the waters in baptism. (MT 28:19)
Every time a dad or his precious son or daughter chooses to switch allegiances and passes through the water, the enemy is reminded of His collapsing Kingdom and his upcoming humiliation and defeat.
How cool is that? Praise God!
As Sons,