Let God STRENGHTEN your most important relationships.

Your story is far from over. Discover God’s plan to help you connect with your family, friends, and most importantly, Him.


free resources & podcast

weekend events for men

father/child adventures

Do you feel like you keep failing to connect with THOSE YOU LOVE MOST?

You’re not alone. Many men feel this lack of connection somehow disqualifies them in their roles as a husband, father, and friend, to say nothing of the distance they feel from God. 

Being Sons was built to help you restore and deepen these relationships, starting with the most powerful one.


God wants to help you see your story in a new way.

Failure isn’t the end of your story, and it isn’t your true identity. Our podcasts and events are designed to invite you into a story which changes the way you see yourself and your relationships with the people you love.


Hear God’s Voice

God wants to speak with you. Hear His very real voice reveal your true identity as His deeply loved son.

Know You are Loved

Attend events which guide you to experience the reality of God and learn to trust that His love is as real as it gets.

Accept His Help

God has a plan to shatter the walls separating you from the people you love and help you restore those connections. 

 Take Your First Step

Sermons and books only take you so far. Everything at Being Sons is designed to move past discussing ideas about God to experiencing the reality of God. Explore our podcast and resources or come join us at an event!




Since we are the sons of God HOW DO WE become the sons of God?

This series of 47 short weekly videos will help you explore the answer to this most important question. Sign up for free and join us.


Jay Heck // Director 

“I understand what it feels like to think even God won't help you.

Over the last decade I've guided adventures and helped over 1,000 men who were ‘stuck’ find their way, discover God’s heart, and begin living radically different lives.”

 Welcome to Your True Story

In this story, you have always been loved as a beloved son of God. And as it happens, He has always longed to help you reconnect with Him and the people you care about the most. Here’s what the Being Sons journey looks like:


1. Ask for Help

It starts with a simple prayer like this, “God, I need you. I am asking for your help. Please reveal yourself in a way that I can see. I open my heart to you.”

2. Start listening

Start exploring our podcasts, videos and blogs, or join us at an event and learn to hear God speak to you. Great things happen around a campfire, and God will meet you where you’re at!

3. Live in a new story

As you trust God with more, you’ll begin to live into your true identity as His dearly loved son and restore connections with family and friends.


Men grow stronger and faster when they share a fellowship with other men they trust. Being Sons is helping men find this life-giving community through the lighting of local campfires. A fire can change your life. Join one or start one.


Download our Free Guide

How to Move from a Monologue to a Dialogue with God

Support Being Sons

When a man comes home to the love of God and lives out of his identity as a son, everyone his life touches wins. With the investment of partners like you, God is restoring men to their intended strength.

Being Sons helps men live in union with God, as Father and son.